Our Directors

About The Diver Medic

An International Dive Safety and Education Organization

Our team of instructors are from various backgrounds such as Offshore Divers, Dive Supervisors, Public Safety Divers, Hyperbaric Doctors, Paramedics, Dive Doctors, Specialist Nurses, Military personal and Aviation Personnel

Chantelle Newman - Founder

South African WDHOF Chantelle is a diving veteran--at 13, having her first encounter with a white shark--swimming right next to her! Chantelle moved to the UK, combining passions for diving and medicine--to increase diving safety. She founded Diver Medic magazine and has dedicated her career to topside/subsurface safety!

Chantelle has been recognized as Women Divers Hall of Fame 2016, Member of the Explorers Club and is a noted Publisher/Author as well as a Course Director for a number of dive medical programs. 

The Need

As an experienced Pre-hospital Provider, Chantelle noted the lack of emergency medical training available to both reactional divers, and Public Safety divers outside of traditional Commercial/Industrial Courses. She took it on herself to fix this. Thus the DiverMedic was born.

Award Winning

We’ve won awards , but we don’t let that go to our heads. We dedicate ourselves to every project.

Expert Team

Your project will be handled by experts every time. We make sure you have the most experienced professionals working for you. 

Our Medical Team Members

Chantelle Newman BSc, AEA,DMTI

Ian Wilson, DMT, UK Police Medical Instructor

Dr David W. Andres, MD

Dr Manuel Lois, MD,FCCP,FACP

Juan Martin Valdivia, MD, FAANS

Jeroen Van Houdt BNSc,ICU RN

Sandy Shaw, MBA, EMT-A

William Nash, Ret Paramedic

Jamie Juliano, Paramedic

Daniel Alvear, Paramedic

Edward Benjamin, DEMRIT/FEMRIT

Catherine Crossland, FEMRIT/DMT

Quality Guaranteed

You’ll find the support you need to ensure that things runs smoothly. We’re here to help you with any questions.
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